जानिए किडनी सिकुड़ने का इलाज | Kidney Shrinkage Treatment

जानिए किडनी सिकुड़ने का इलाज | Kidney Shrinkage Treatment

Kidney shrinkage is one the reason for #kidneyfailure and it usually occurs due to #highbloodpressure. Kidney shrinkage causes scarring of kidney tissue. Initially, these tissues get inflamed and become hard. the more these tissue gets hard, the more kidney gets shrink.
Our kidneys secrete a hormone called #Antidiuretichormone (ADH) that helps to manage the amount of water in the body. And uncontrolled blood pressure is very common in the patient of kidney shrinkage.
It is important for every kidney failure patient to first control the main cause of kidney failure. As our kidneys have an innate ability to increase its function, we use this ability to increase kidney function which further helps to excrete out waste material from the body. An increased kidney function helps to prevent dialysis and #kidneytransplant.


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